This campaign was always to maximise brand exposure and drive trial. The brand was still relatively new to the territory. We approached this campaign by building a universal proposition called ‘HIT’S DIFFERENT’. The proposition lent heavily on insight from the Gen Z targeted audience. We evolved a language set from the Gen Z culture such as ‘New Drops’ for new products and ‘Hit’s Different’ to reflect its best in life taste credentials.

Throughout we built a visual story around the brands gritty urban image and using bold street art influence we created a bold, edgy and highly relevant brand image. To maximise engagement at each stage, from trade to shopper we added incentive programs to provide money can’t buy FourLoko merchandise to encourage interactions.

To elevate consumers who had already trialled FourLoko we also launched two brand new variants during this campaign. Strawberry Lemonade and Exotic fruits was introduced to stimulate ‘new’ buying triggers and to appeal to the summer seasons flavour cues.
The client was looking for a ‘one stop agency shop’. Pivotal are a unique blend of insight- based creativity and retail ready manufacturing and implementation. Pivotal could see and manage the entire campaign through from initial copywriting and design through to installation of the retail POP up at TRNSMT 22 festival.